Approved studies using CPRD Data

Access to CPRD data, including UK Primary Care Data, and linked data such as Hospital Episode Statistics, is subject to protocol approval via CPRD’s Research Data Governance (RDG) Process. Independent scientific and patient advice is provided by Expert Review Committees (ERCs) and the Central Advisory Committee (CAC). 

A summary of all approved protocols, including a lay and technical summary of the proposed research, is published three months after RDG approval. COVID-19 research protocols are being fast-tracked and all approved summaries are published within 72 hours to ensure transparency and to help avoid unnecessary duplication. 

Protocols below are listed in order of date of approval. Please click on the study title for more details. 

Peer-reviewed publications from research using CPRD data will be listed on our bibliography page

Date of Approval Sort ascending Title
16/10/2024 A retrospective database analysis of Pneumococcal Vaccination Coverage Rates and Burden of Disease among Adults in England, by Risk Category
16/10/2024 A feasibility study examining the availability of data to ascertain the case definition of Epidermolysis Bullosa, and describe key comorbidities.
16/10/2024 Evaluation of the risks in unplanned hospital admissions in polypharmacy and frequent medication users and their characteristics
16/10/2024 Treatment patterns of urinary tract infection among people with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, and the general population
16/10/2024 Use of menopausal hormonal therapy and risk of cardiovascular disease: protocol for case-control study using CPRD
14/10/2024 Bone Health in people with Parkinson's: Risks of Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures according to age and sex
14/10/2024 Assessing SYmptom-driven versus Maintenance Preventer Therapy for the Outpatient Management of AsThma In Children : A non-inferiority, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial using routinely collected outcome data
10/10/2024 Assessing the Management of Diabetic Kidney Disease in UK Primary Care
08/10/2024 A descriptive study of epidemiology, somatic symptoms, comorbidities and treatment patterns in people with fibromyalgia in England using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Aurum database
08/10/2024 A Cohort Study Investigating the Relationship Between Gout Flares and Serum Urate in English General Practice
04/10/2024 Drug utilization for the management of polycystic ovary syndrome: a descriptive study
02/10/2024 Prescribing patterns of glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonists in England 2007-2024
02/10/2024 A retrospective analysis of the healthcare and clinical burden of travel-related dengue in England between 2010 and 2023 using linked data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink and Hospital Episode Statistics
01/10/2024 To assess the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation in people with asthma
01/10/2024 Vertebral Fractures in the English Health Service: A Descriptive Study on the Regional Distribution, Characteristics and Management of Patients with Vertebral Fracture
01/10/2024 Co-morbidities in people with intellectual disabilities and femoral fracture
26/09/2024 Characterising Patients with Primary Care Prescribed Intermittent Catheterisation in England
26/09/2024 Quantifying the burden of disease associated with perimenopause using data held within United Kingdom Primary Care electronic health records (EHRs)
24/09/2024 Prevalence of living alone in people with a neurodegenerative condition including dementia, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and motor neurone disease
24/09/2024 Providing more accurate predictions of colorectal cancer prognosis: development and application of novel methodology when using electronic health record data for disease prognosis