16/10/2024 |
A retrospective database analysis of Pneumococcal Vaccination Coverage Rates and Burden of Disease among Adults in England, by Risk Category |
16/10/2024 |
A feasibility study examining the availability of data to ascertain the case definition of Epidermolysis Bullosa, and describe key comorbidities. |
16/10/2024 |
Evaluation of the risks in unplanned hospital admissions in polypharmacy and frequent medication users and their characteristics |
16/10/2024 |
Treatment patterns of urinary tract infection among people with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, and the general population |
16/10/2024 |
Use of menopausal hormonal therapy and risk of cardiovascular disease: protocol for case-control study using CPRD |
14/10/2024 |
Bone Health in people with Parkinson's: Risks of Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures according to age and sex |
14/10/2024 |
Assessing SYmptom-driven versus Maintenance Preventer Therapy for the Outpatient Management of AsThma In Children : A non-inferiority, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial using routinely collected outcome data |
10/10/2024 |
Assessing the Management of Diabetic Kidney Disease in UK Primary Care |
08/10/2024 |
A descriptive study of epidemiology, somatic symptoms, comorbidities and treatment patterns in people with fibromyalgia in England using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Aurum database |
08/10/2024 |
A Cohort Study Investigating the Relationship Between Gout Flares and Serum Urate in English General Practice |
04/10/2024 |
Drug utilization for the management of polycystic ovary syndrome: a descriptive study |
02/10/2024 |
Prescribing patterns of glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonists in England 2007-2024 |
02/10/2024 |
A retrospective analysis of the healthcare and clinical burden of travel-related dengue in England between 2010 and 2023 using linked data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink and Hospital Episode Statistics |
01/10/2024 |
To assess the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation in people with asthma |
01/10/2024 |
Vertebral Fractures in the English Health Service: A Descriptive Study on the Regional Distribution, Characteristics and Management of Patients with Vertebral Fracture |
01/10/2024 |
Co-morbidities in people with intellectual disabilities and femoral fracture |
26/09/2024 |
Characterising Patients with Primary Care Prescribed Intermittent Catheterisation in England |
26/09/2024 |
Quantifying the burden of disease associated with perimenopause using data held within United Kingdom Primary Care electronic health records (EHRs) |
24/09/2024 |
Prevalence of living alone in people with a neurodegenerative condition including dementia, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and motor neurone disease |
24/09/2024 |
Providing more accurate predictions of colorectal cancer prognosis: development and application of novel methodology when using electronic health record data for disease prognosis |