Characteristics of newly diagnosed adults with Type 1 diabetes in the UK and their evolution over the first 5 years

Study type
Date of Approval
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Lay Summary

People with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1D) have - as a stereotype - been seen as markedly different from those with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2D). Most Type 1 diabetes is considered to be of autoimmune aetiology, and patients are said to be rarely obese. Recent data indicate that this view may no longer be realistic, and that people with T1D are also struggling with issues of overweight and obesity, in addition to managing their blood glucose control. This study will investigate, using the Clinical Practice Datalink (CPRD), characteristics of British adults with T1D at diagnosis and how blood glucose control and weight/BMI evolve in these patients in the first five years after diagnosis and institution of insulin treatment. Treatment with insulin is well known to influence both parameters.

Technical Summary

The study aims to describe the clinical profile of people newly diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus at time of diagnosis, following the first five years of treatment with insulin and as a comparison to a general population as described in the Health Survey of England.

Patient demographics, baseline characteristics and measurements after 1, 2, 3 and 5 years, will be analyzed and presented as mean, standard deviation, range and/or mode and interquartile range for continuous variables as appropriate and as count and percent (N, %) for categorical variables.


Shenaz Ramtoola - Chief Investigator - NHS
Uffe Jon Plough - Corresponding Applicant - Novo Nordisk A/S
Martin-Erik Nyeland - Collaborator - Leo Pharma A/S
Nana Kragh - Collaborator - Novo Nordisk A/S