Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., & Jick, H. . (2001). Risk of venous thromboembolism with cyproterone or levonorgestrel contraceptives. Lancet.
C. Vasilakis-Scaramozza
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Jick, S. S., Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., & Maier, W. C. (2001). The risk of cataract among users of inhaled steroids. Epidemiology.
Jick, H. ., Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., & Jick, S. S. (2001). Live attenuated polio vaccine and the risk of intussusception. Br J Clin Pharmacol.
Kornegay, C. J., Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., & Jick, H. . (2002). Incident diabetes associated with antipsychotic use in the United Kingdom general practice research database. J Clin Psychiatry.
Jick, S. S., Kaye, J. A., Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., Rodriguez, L. A. G., Ruigomez, A. ., Meier, C. R., … Jick, H. . (2003). Validity of the general practice research database. Pharmacotherapy.
Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., Aschengrau, A. ., Cabral, H. J., & Jick, S. S. (2013). Asthma drugs and the risk of congenital anomalies. Pharmacotherapy.
Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., Aschengrau, A. ., Cabral, H. J., & Jick, S. S. (2013). Antihypertensive drugs and the risk of congenital anomalies. Pharmacotherapy.
Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., Aschengrau, A. ., Cabral, H. ., & Jick, S. S. (2013). Antidepressant use during early pregnancy and the risk of congenital anomalies. Pharmacotherapy.
Jick, S. S., Hagberg, K. W., Persson, R. ., Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., Williams, T. ., Crellin, E. ., & Myles, P. . (2020). Quality and completeness of diagnoses recorded in the new CPRD Aurum Database: evaluation of pulmonary embolism. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf.
Persson, R. ., Vasilakis-Scaramozza, C. ., Hagberg, K. W., Sponholtz, T. ., Williams, T. ., Myles, P. ., & Jick, S. S. (2020). CPRD Aurum database: Assessment of data quality and completeness of three important comorbidities. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf.