Doherty, K. ., Bonnett, L. ., Agbla, S. C., Beveridge, N. E. R., Decraene, V. ., Fleming, K. M., … French, N. . (2024). The effectiveness of revaccination with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine for preventing pneumococcal disease in older adults in England: A population-based cohort study. Vaccine.
D. Hungerford
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Flatt, A. ., Inns, T. ., Fleming, K. M., Iturriza-Gomara, M. ., & Hungerford, D. . (2023). Investigating association between inflammatory bowel disease and rotavirus vaccination in a paediatric cohort in the UK. Epidemiol Infect, 151, e103.
Inns, T. ., Fleming, K. M., Iturriza-Gomara, M. ., & Hungerford, D. . (2021). Paediatric rotavirus vaccination, coeliac disease and type 1 diabetes in children: a population-based cohort study. BMC Med.