T. Doran

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Wang, H. I., Doran, T. ., Crooks, M. G., Khunti, K. ., Heightman, M. ., Gonzalez-Izquierdo, A. ., … Van Der Feltz-Cornelis, C. . (2024). Prevalence, risk factors and characterisation of individuals with long COVID using Electronic Health Records in over 1.5 million COVID cases in England. J Infect, 89, 106235. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinf.2024.106235
Fairhurst, C. ., Martin, F. ., Watt, I. ., Bland, M. ., Doran, T. ., & Brackenbury, W. J. (2023). Sodium channel-inhibiting drugs and cancer-specific survival: a population-based study of electronic primary care data. BMJ Open, 13, e064376. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064376
Ajabnoor, A. M., Zghebi, S. S., Parisi, R. ., Ashcroft, D. M., Rutter, M. K., Doran, T. ., … Kontopantelis, E. . (2022). Incidence of nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and oral anticoagulant prescribing in England, 2009 to 2019: A cohort study. PLoS Med, 19, e1004003. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1004003
Wang, H. I., Han, L. ., Jacobs, R. ., Doran, T. ., Holt, R. I. G., Prady, S. L., … Siddiqi, N. . (2021). Healthcare resource use and costs for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without severe mental illness in England: longitudinal matched-cohort study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Br J Psychiatry, 1–8. http://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.2021.131
Webb, R. T., Kontopantelis, E. ., Doran, T. ., Qin, P. ., Creed, F. ., & Kapur, N. . (2012). Suicide risk in primary care patients with major physical diseases: a case-control study. Arch Gen Psychiatry. http://doi.org/10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2011.1561
Webb, R. T., Kontopantelis, E. ., Doran, T. ., Qin, P. ., Creed, F. ., & Kapur, N. . (2012). Risk of self-harm in physically ill patients in UK primary care. J Psychosom Res. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychores.2012.05.010
Kontopantelis, E. ., Reeves, D. ., Valderas, J. M., Campbell, S. ., & Doran, T. . (2013). Recorded quality of primary care for patients with diabetes in England before and after the introduction of a financial incentive scheme: a longitudinal observational study. BMJ Qual Saf. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001033
Kontopantelis, E. ., Springate, D. ., Reeves, D. ., Ashcroft, D. M., Valderas, J. M., & Doran, T. . (2014). Withdrawing performance indicators: retrospective analysis of general practice performance under UK Quality and Outcomes Framework. Bmj. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g330
Reeves, D. ., Springate, D. A., Ashcroft, D. M., Ryan, R. ., Doran, T. ., Morris, R. ., … Kontopantelis, E. . (2014). Can analyses of electronic patient records be independently and externally validated? The effect of statins on the mortality of patients with ischaemic heart disease: a cohort study with nested case-control analysis. BMJ Open. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004952
Kontopantelis, E. ., Olier, I. ., Planner, C. ., Reeves, D. ., Ashcroft, D. M., Gask, L. ., … Reilly, S. . (2015). Primary care consultation rates among people with and without severe mental illness: a UK cohort study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. BMJ Open. http://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-008650