Reyes, C. ., Newby, D. ., Raventós, B. ., Verhamme, K. ., Mosseveld, M. ., Prieto-Alhambra, D. ., … Duarte-Salles, T. . (2024). Trends of use and characterisation of anti-dementia drugs users: a large multinational-network population-based study. Age Ageing, 53.
B. Raventós
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Raventós, B. ., Català, M. ., Du, M. ., Guo, Y. ., Black, A. ., Inberg, G. ., … Burn, E. . (2023). IncidencePrevalence: An R package to calculate population-level incidence rates and prevalence using the OMOP common data model. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf.
Li, X. ., Raventós, B. ., Roel, E. ., Pistillo, A. ., Martinez-Hernandez, E. ., Delmestri, A. ., … Duarte-Salles, T. . (2022). Association between covid-19 vaccination, SARS-CoV-2 infection, and risk of immune mediated neurological events: population based cohort and self-controlled case series analysis. Bmj, 376, e068373.