S. Lewis

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McKeever, T. M., Lewis, S. A., Smith, C. ., Collins, J. ., Heatlie, H. ., Frischer, M. ., & Hubbard, R. . (2001). Siblings, multiple births, and the incidence of allergic disease: a birth cohort study using the West Midlands general practice research database. Thorax.
McKeever, T. M., Lewis, S. A., Smith, C. ., Collins, J. ., Heatlie, H. ., Frischer, M. ., & Hubbard, R. . (2002). Early exposure to infections and antibiotics and the incidence of allergic disease: a birth cohort study with the West Midlands General Practice Research Database. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
McKeever, T. M., Lewis, S. A., Smith, C. ., & Hubbard, R. . (2002). The importance of prenatal exposures on the development of allergic disease: a birth cohort study using the West Midlands General Practice Database. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. http://doi.org/10.1164/rccm.200202-158OC
McKeever, T. M., Lewis, S. A., Smith, C. ., & Hubbard, R. . (2002). Mode of delivery and risk of developing allergic disease. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
McKeever, T. M., Lewis, S. A., Smith, C. ., & Hubbard, R. . (2004). Vaccination and allergic disease: a birth cohort study. Am J Public Health.