Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Guthrie, B. ., Rogers, G. ., Livingstone, S. ., Morales, D. R., Donnan, P. ., Davis, S. ., … Payne, K. . (2024). The implications of competing risks and direct treatment disutility in cardiovascular disease and osteoporotic fracture: risk prediction and cost effectiveness analysis. Health Soc Care Deliv Res, 12, 1–275.
Qureshi, N. ., Woods, B. ., de Faria, N. ., Goncalves, S. ., Cox, E. ., Bee, L. ., … Kai, J. . (2023). Alternative cascade-testing protocols for identifying and managing patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia: systematic reviews, qualitative study and cost-effectiveness analysis. Health Technol Assess, 27, 1–140.