antihypertensive agents

Darricarrere, C. ., Jacquot, E. ., Bricout, S. ., Louis, C. ., Bénard, M. ., & Poulter, N. R. (2023). Uncontrolled blood pressure and therapeutic inertia in treated hypertensive patients: A retrospective cohort study using a UK general practice database. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 25, 895–904.
Khalaf, A. ., Khashan, A. S., Chappell, L. C., É, J. O., & McCarthy, F. P. (2022). Role of Antihypertensive Treatment and Blood Pressure Control in the Occurrence of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: a Population-Based Study of Linked Electronic Health Records. Hypertension, 101161hypertensionaha12218920.