CPRD now holds linked National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) Cancer Registration Tumour and Treatment data in-house. This change is a result of the merger of Public Health England (previous NCRAS data controllers) into NHS England enabling these data to be licensed in the same way as other NHS England data such as Hospital Episode Statistics (HES). Moving forwards, this will allow requests for these data to be processed in the same way as requests for other CPRD linked data, bringing timelines for delivery of NCRAS Tumour and Treatment data in line with other CPRD linked datasets. The impact of this change will be significantly reduced data delivery timelines for researchers requesting linked NCRAS Tumour and Treatment data.
Multi-study licence holders will be able to request linked NCRAS Cancer Registration Tumour and Treatment data for Research Data Governance (RDG) approved studies through the Electronic Research Applications Portal (eRAP) with no further need to complete a NCRAS data selection form or for a study specific dataset (subject to contracting).
Single-study licence holders can request linked NCRAS Cancer Registration Tumour and Treatment data as part of a study specific dataset with no further need to complete a NCRAS data selection form.
Please note that you may still see messages related to the former NCRAS process on eRAP whilst we deploy updates.
NCRAS Systemic Anti-Cancer Treatment (SACT) and Radiotherapy Dataset (RTDS) data will continue to be held by the NHS England National Disease Registration Service (NDRS) and made available to CPRD through single study contracts with NHS England.
Please email enquiries@cprd.com if you have any questions