World-leading prospective and retrospective research services to facilitate your public health and clinical studies
CPRD is the leading provider of integrated real-world research services based on UK population electronic health records (EHRs). Our services are used by academic, industry and government organisations worldwide.
- Provision of data
Access to anonymised patient level primary care and linked data
- Commissioned research service
Bespoke studies conducted in part or in full by in-house CPRD researchers
- Expert advice
Provision of expert scientific advice on data, validation and study design
- Patient recruitment services
CPRD SPRINT (Speedy Patient Recruitment INto Trials) services for commercial studies. Patient questionnaires and surveys for commercial and non-commercial studies
- GP questionnaires
CPRD PROVE (Providing Online Verification of EHR) and CPRD PROVE Plus services for GP questionnaire studies
- Data enabled clinical trials support
EHR based recruitment, enrolment and EHR follow-up for low risk phase IV CTIMP studies
- Cluster randomised trials
Randomised GP practice-level intervention studies
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