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I. Nazareth
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Sullivan, S. A., Kounali, D. ., Morris, R. ., Kessler, D. ., Hamilton, W. ., Lewis, G. ., … Nazareth, I. . (2022). Developing and internally validating a prognostic model (P Risk) to improve the prediction of psychosis in a primary care population using electronic health records: The MAPPED study. Schizophr Res, 246, 241–249.
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Collin, S. M., Bakken, I. J., Nazareth, I. ., Crawley, E. ., & White, P. D. (2017). Health care resource use by patients before and after a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME): a clinical practice research datalink study. BMC Fam Pract.