
Research using CPRD data has informed drug safety guidance and clinical practice and resulted in over 3,500 peer-reviewed publications. The CPRD bibliography listed below is updated on a monthly basis (last updated 8 January 2025).

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This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support. CPRD encourages researchers to use this citation in all publications using CPRD data. Find out more about acknowledging the use of patient data at the Understanding Patient Data website

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Respiratory medications and risk of asthma death

Authors: S. Lanes, L. Rodriguez, C. Huerta


Risk of acute liver injury in patients with diabetes

Authors: C. Huerta, S. Zhao, L. Rodriguez


Risk of clinical blood dyscrasia in a cohort of antibiotic users

Authors: C. Huerta, L. Rodriguez


Risk of irritable bowel syndrome among asthma patients


Authors: C. Huerta, L. Rodriguez, M. Wallander, S. Johansson


Risk of mortality in a cohort of patients newly diagnosed with chronic atrial fibrillation

Authors: A. Ruigomez, S. Johansson, M. Wallander, L. Rodriguez


Risk of serious skin disorders among users of oral antifungals: a population-based study

Authors: J. Castellsague, L. Garcia-Rodriguez, A. Duque, S. Perez


Statin use, hyperlipidaemia, and the risk of breast cancer


Authors: J. Kaye, C. Meier, A. Walker, H. Jick


Statins and the risk of idiopathic venous thromboembolism

Authors: C. Yang, S. Jick, H. Jick


Survival in COPD patients after regular use of fluticasone propionate and salmeterol in general practice

Authors: J. Soriano, J. Vestbo, N. Pride, V. Kiri, C. Maden, W. Maier


Treatment patterns among newly diagnosed heart failure patients in general practice

Authors: S. Johansson, M. Wallander, A. Ruigomez, R. Garcia


Trends in the treatment of osteoporosis and types of drug treatments prescribed in general practice in England and Wales, 1994 to 1998

Authors: K Bailey, C Ellis, A Majeed


Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of first-time acute myocardial infarction

Authors: R. Schlienger, H. Jick, C. Meier


Utility of medical and drug history in fracture risk prediction among men and women

Authors: T. van Staa, H. Leufkens, C. Cooper


Validity and completeness of the General Practice Research Database for studies of inflammatory bowel disease


Authors: J. Lewis, C. Brensinger, W. Bilker, B. Strom


Venous leg ulcer: incidence and prevalence in the elderly

Authors: D. Margolis, W. Bilker, J. Santanna, M. Baumgarten


Acetaminophen and the risk of renal and bladder cancer in the general practice research database

Authors: J. Kaye, M. Myers, H. Jick


Antibiotic failure in the treatment of urinary tract infections in young women

Authors: R. Lawrenson, J. Logie


Association between air pollution and daily consultations with general practitioners for allergic rhinitis in London, United Kingdom

Authors: S. Hajat, A. Haines, R. Atkinson, S. Bremner, H. Anderson, J. Emberlin


A case-control study of autism and mumps-measles-rubella vaccination using the general practice research database: design and methodology

Authors: L. Smeeth, A. Hall, E. Fombonne, L. Rodrigues, X. Huang, P. Smith


Consultations and referrals for dyspepsia in general practice\textendasha one year database survey

Authors: M. van Bommel, M. Numans, N. de Wit, W. Stalman


Diagnosis and initial management of stroke and transient ischemic attack across UK health regions from 1992 to 1996: experience of a national primary care database

Authors: R. Gibbs, R. Newson, R. Lawrenson, R. Greenhalgh, A. Davies


Does oral polio vaccine cause intussusception in infants? Evidence from a sequence of three self-controlled cases series studies in the United Kingdom

Authors: N. Andrews, E. Miller, P. Waight, P. Farrington, N. Crowcroft, J. Stowe, B. Taylor


Epidemiologic assessment of the safety of conventional nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Authors: S. Hernandez-Diaz, L. Garcia-Rodriguez


Epidemiology of fractures in England and Wales

Authors: T. van Staa, E. Dennison, H. Leufkens, C. Cooper


The excess cost of acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis in patients aged 45 and older in England and Wales


Authors: A. McGuire, D. Irwin, P. Fenn, A. Gray, P. Anderson, A. Lovering, A. MacGowan


Gender and drug treatment as determinants of mortality in a cohort of heart failure patients

Authors: A. Ruigomez, S. Johansson, M. Wallander, L. Rodriguez


Incidence of newly diagnosed heart failure in UK general practice

Authors: S. Johansson, M. Wallander, A. Ruigomez, L. Rodriguez


Incidence of ocular melanoma in the general population and in glaucoma patients

Authors: C. Huerta, L. Rodriguez


Inequalities in treated heart disease and mental illness in England and Wales, 1994-1998

Authors: K. Moser


Inflammatory bowel disease associated with immune thrombocytopenic purpura in children

Authors: L. Higuchi, S. Joffe, E. Neufeld, S. Weisdorf, J. Rosh, S. Murch, A. Devenyi, J. Thompson, J. Lewis, A. Bousvaros


Inflammatory bowel disease is not associated with an increased risk of lymphoma

Authors: J. Lewis, W. Bilker, C. Brensinger, J. Deren, D. Vaughn, B. Strom


Lipid-lowering drugs and risk of myopathy: a population-based follow-up study

Authors: D. Gaist, L. Rodriguez, C. Huerta, J. Hallas, S. Sindrup


Live attenuated polio vaccine and the risk of intussusception

Authors: H. Jick, C. Vasilakis-Scaramozza, S. Jick


Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic obstruction\textendashTriumph: design and implementation


Authors: C. Chapple


Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic obstruction\textendashTriumph: the role of general practice databases


Authors: J. Logie, G. Clifford, R. Farmer, B. Meesen


Mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine and the incidence of autism recorded by general practitioners: a time trend analysis

Authors: J. Kaye, del Melero-Montes, H. Jick


Otitis externa in UK general practice: a survey using the UK General Practice Research Database

Authors: S. Rowlands, H. Devalia, C. Smith, R. Hubbard, A. Dean


Patterns of prescribing of nutritional supplements in the United Kingdom


Authors: C. Gale, J. Edington, S. Coles, C. Martyn


Postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy and the risk of Alzheimer disease

Authors: S. Seshadri, G. Zornberg, L. Derby, M. Myers, H. Jick, D. Drachman


Preferential prescribing of type of combined oral contraceptive pill by general practitioners to teenagers with acne

Authors: S. Rowlands, H. Devalia, R. Lawrenson


Prevalence and management of heart failure in general practice in England and Wales, 1994-98

Authors: C Ellis, S Gnani, A Majeed


Prevalence of comorbid mental illness and drug use recorded in general practice: preliminary findings from the general practice research database

Authors: Akram Mfg


Prevalence of ischaemic heart disease and its management with statins and aspirin in general practice in England and Wales, 1994 and 1998

Authors: R. Ryan, A. Majeed


Public health impact of adverse bone effects of oral corticosteroids

Authors: T. van Staa, L. Abenhaim, C. Cooper, B. Zhang, H. Leufkens


Reduced risk of colorectal cancer among long-term users of aspirin and nonaspirin nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs

Authors: L. Garcia-Rodriguez, C. Huerta-Alvarez


Relative risk of upper gastrointestinal complications among users of acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Authors: L. Rodriguez, S. Hernandez-Diaz


Renal failure in patients with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction


Authors: R. Lawrenson, J. Wyndaele, I. Vlachonikolis, C. Farmer, S. Glickman


The risk of cataract among users of inhaled steroids

Authors: S. Jick, C. Vasilakis-Scaramozza, W. Maier


Risk of cataract in patients treated with statins

Authors: R. Schlienger, W. Haefeli, H. Jick, C. Meier


The risk of liver damage associated with minocycline: a comparative study

Authors: H. Seaman, R. Lawrenson, T. Williams, K. MacRae, R. Farmer